Asia #11 Final concert in Asia
Last night we recieved a standing ovation from a full house at the Norwegian Seaman´s Churhc in Pattaya, Thailand. Bjarne and Aksel warmed up with a day at the beach - THAT´S how you should prepare Beethoven sonatas, guys!

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the marketing of the concert with posters and pictures hanging all over Pattaya - bringing in a full house later that night..

Many thank´s to the wonderful driver and everything-man Manee and the great guide Anne! You guys rock!! (And so we all did out on town after the concert..!!)

Today is our much longed for day off - then it´s back to the ice kingdom of Norway after two weeks which feels more like 2 months of adventure... I guess we are a bit speachless when it comes to makeing a summary of it all - hopefully the past blogtexts and photos have given you an idea of the great adventure this all has been. Café de Concert is heading back to home base - but just to reload and prepare for new adventures, bringing classical music out in the urban society... and the jungle. A big tribute to the man who made it all possible, the one and only Pastor Svein Helge Rødahl!

Here are some "unofficial" photos from the tour, guys! Enjoy;)

Hindu ceremony in Bali, early in the morning.

Bjarne and Vegard (our super duper Asia-photographer!

This is not what it looks like - it actually is one of the most fabous bars in Singapoore, getting your liquid straight in there....!!

Just had to make a snapshot of this car!!

The legendary Raffles Hotel.

He lived under our appartement....legendary!! :D

Bjarne finally found his inner self!

Aksel picked a fight in the Thai-ring..

Watch out guys! In this part of the world - girls are not allways what they look like, believe it or not...;)

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the marketing of the concert with posters and pictures hanging all over Pattaya - bringing in a full house later that night..

Many thank´s to the wonderful driver and everything-man Manee and the great guide Anne! You guys rock!! (And so we all did out on town after the concert..!!)

Today is our much longed for day off - then it´s back to the ice kingdom of Norway after two weeks which feels more like 2 months of adventure... I guess we are a bit speachless when it comes to makeing a summary of it all - hopefully the past blogtexts and photos have given you an idea of the great adventure this all has been. Café de Concert is heading back to home base - but just to reload and prepare for new adventures, bringing classical music out in the urban society... and the jungle. A big tribute to the man who made it all possible, the one and only Pastor Svein Helge Rødahl!

Here are some "unofficial" photos from the tour, guys! Enjoy;)

Hindu ceremony in Bali, early in the morning.

Bjarne and Vegard (our super duper Asia-photographer!

This is not what it looks like - it actually is one of the most fabous bars in Singapoore, getting your liquid straight in there....!!

Just had to make a snapshot of this car!!

The legendary Raffles Hotel.

He lived under our appartement....legendary!! :D

Bjarne finally found his inner self!

Aksel picked a fight in the Thai-ring..

Watch out guys! In this part of the world - girls are not allways what they look like, believe it or not...;)