The Aksel Kolstad Show

After touring once around the world with The Aksel Kolstad Show, Kolstad decided to come back to the roots where the show was created, in Oslo, one year ago this month!
Mother of Aksel, Kirsti Kolstad, is in carge of the wiener´s which are beeing served each concert!

Father of Aksel, Leon Hazen, chillin´ before the concert - makeing sure his son is ready Freddy, before "jump ball"
And after the concert everybody got Øyvind Karlsen wiener´s, champagne and participated in the traditional Café de Concert shoot-out and slam dunk minibasketball tournament! It was a wiiild ride! Check out our fanpage on facebook to see mindblowing videos!!
And SOMEBODY had a bit tooo heavy muscles so the hoop broke :D Scotch-tape to the resque!!