Saturday, May 9, 2009

Getting ready for the concerts next week!

As the days go by, we're getting in pretty good shape for the concerts next week. On wednesday, Aksel and Catharina met up with the talented clarinetist Nicholas Gallas for rehearsals at the Norwegian seamen's church. Thank's for letting us use your facilities, guys!

Nicholas Gallas is a young outstanding clarinettist who just finished his masters degree at Juilliard, NY.
He is performing as a soloist and a chamber musicians and is well know for his Stravinsky and Mozart interpretations.
He will be performing the Brahms sonata in f minor with us on the NY & Washington DC tour.

As the interest of the concept grows day by day, we're excited to have started planning concerts in october, november and december in the US.

We're very excited to play here again and are looking forward to see you all on Monday at the Gershwin Hotel!

Want to get in touch?
We're now all on US phone numbers.
Aksel: +1 (347) 822-0740
Catharina: +1 (267) 808-5588
Morgan: +1 (646) 255-6716

Here's some images from the rehersals.


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